Thursday, March 26, 2015

Suspended 3/26/15

From the essay packet this week I chose Suspended, the beginning of the story is what caught my eye initially. The essay itself is very short but it gets its point across, there are special moments we each live through and some of us don't even notice.

These tiny blips in time where the world changes around us either for the good or the bad, it could be a catastrophic event, most of those we notice. Or, it could be a wonderful thing like the experimentation in music, the birth of an artist that would shape the world of music or even the birth of a child who would grow up to be an incredible doctor. Do you think the world stopped and stared as Elvis or Einstein were born? Probably not, they were just ordinary people until they caused one of these suspensions in time. On the other hand you can bet that a good portion of the world at least the western side stopped frozen to the t.v as the crashes on 9/11 occurred. These small moments in time and anything in the world can happen, will it change history? Maybe, or maybe the world will move on unknowing and blind.

For example in the essay the author writes about witnessing the birth of jazz music but not really even knowing what was happening until later. She talks about remembering everything that was happening in that moment, the smells, the sounds and even what was going on around her and yet she had no idea how important that moment in time really was.

People in general although very observant many of us are quite dull when it comes to figuring out the significance of something that has happened. Many of us aren't patient enough to what has happened or what is going to happen in the near future. Either way our entire life is filled with things that we might be the only witness to or, that we were the only one to recognize the importance of that moment, in that moment.

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